L1 Art: Series of works exercise

This is a portfolio exercise I did for Art L1 and I will be explaining why I have arranged them like in this picture.

Sorting pictures on a board is like giving it a beginning and an end. I started with something that introduces what will be seen in the next drawings, like a subject. Then, I placed something impressive at the end, a picture the seems to be a conclusion for the series of drawings. The further we get with the series of drawings, there’s a gradual thing that differentiates the drawings from the previous. This change is the graduality of building up to the impressive drawing at the end I was talking about.

As I was sorting these pictures, I tried halving the drawings. One side are drawings with little to no color, and the drawings that were colored had their side. Though you can see a mistake was made when I was trying to half the drawings. On the bottom left, we see a picture with some color, but should’ve belonged to the upper half of the arrangement.

There are many other ways to arrange a series of drawings, such as arranging them from oldest drawing to earliest to compare the improvement from each drawing. But this isn’t always done because an entire series of drawings could be about a theme. This means that some drawings on a board may or may not be arranged from oldest to latest because the arrangement is following a certain theme.



ESOL Speech Reflection

What went well:

I was actually able to come up with an actual topic to talk about, which literally took way more time than working on the presentation itself.

What didn’t go well?:

I frequently stuttered, especially when I got to important points. I had to be thinking while I was speaking and making meaningful gestures to grab attention and make points clearer. I was overwhelmed with anxiousness and my movements became stiff as a result. What didn’t go well was that I wasn’t able to deliver points and reasons clear enough, my attentiveness to the audience wasn’t the best. (Like looking at the audience for example)

What will you do differently next time?:

*Read my entire presentation many times to familiarize myself with my own ideas and how I want them to be delivered as well as their order. *Start giving examples (Examples were quite absent in my speech)
*Start working on stuttering and meaningful gestures

Esol Reflection JUNE 29

This is a reflection of the activities I did in Y11 ESOL Term 2.

The activities I did were all about writing. I wrote about brief reviews of what I found of note about the stories in books and what compelled me to make a review about the book. I’d also exercise the skill ‘RID’, (replace, insert, delete) a very detailed and time consuming process to make pieces of writing correct and possibly more entertaining to read.

I think the purpose of these activities was to improve in writing and in my opinion they were very effective for my learning. I think writing short text has made learning more fun and easy because short text makes tasks  compact and short. Compact and short tasks personally allow me to focus on getting learning and work done instead of thinking about the work being strenuous and potentially losing interest in the work.

With RID and basic writing grammar, I can avoid basic writing mistakes in the future. Personally, I believe this is a vital skill I’d want to keep as I grow up because with this knowledge I have taken the first step to perfecting my english in both verbal communication and writing.

(L1Eng June 28) – Do you think we each have a Fate/Destiny?

Do we have a fate/destiny? Why? Why not?
After watching Tom Hanks’ Forrest Gump, which I think is about fate or destiny, I’ve begun wondering about this very question ever since. Destiny is about events that will happen to a person in the future, and fate is a development of events in life in which a person cannot control. Basically, both these words are about the future and what may unfold. Let’s keep it that way. When asking whether you or an individual has a destiny/fate, it’s about a person having some kind of event happening to them that is inevitable or will happen. This can be something positive like getting your dream job or mastering a profession in the future. Sometimes it’s a negative kind of destiny/fate like doing activities in the future which you may not have always wanted. I believe people have destiny/fate in their life but at the same time they do not have one. They may be living life on an accidental breeze, being taken wherever the wind takes them. Whether you think you have a destiny/fate or not is entirely up to you.

5 Important character quotes from Tom Hanks’ Forrest Gump.

Forrest Gump has many clues and hidden details that all point to the deeper meaning that the film wants to deliver to its audience, including character dialogue or quotes. I’ll be covering over what has been found in various websites.


  • “I don’t know if we have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I think maybe it’s both.” –Forrest Gump

This quote is said with great deliverance and acting by Tom Hanks that plays Forrest Gump. This quote questions how life works, and like how Forrest told it; life is completely random. It’s either destiny or you’re living on a string of incidents.  This is of course connected to the film and the life of the characters, especially Forrest. His life just seems to take him to places, like he’s a feather in the wind.

  • “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” –Forrest Gump

This quote is about the concept that life is random. Life is like a box of chocolates, or life is like a slot machine.


  • “Dear God, make me a bird. So I could fly far. Far far away from here.” –Jenny Curran

Jenny is one of the main characters of the film who is Forrest’s best friend and is later his wife. Jenny grew up with an abusive father that sexually assaulted his own daughters at a young age, and later her life as an expelled collage student  descends into a life of drugs, prostitution and depression. One recurring aspect of Jenny is told through her own quote
that she wants to get away from something. For the whole duration of the film, we think back to Jenny’s words over and over again when she gets suicidal or is in bad emotional state.


  • “Jenny and me was like peas and carrots.” –Forrest Gump

This one is quite obvious, it’s entirely about Forrest and Jenny’s friendship.

  • “Listen, you promise me something, OK? Just if you’re ever in trouble, don’t be brave. You just run, OK? Just run away.” –Jenny Curran

Forrest and Jenny have an unbreakable friendship that they’ve shared since childhood, so of course Jenny is deathly worried about Forrest’s safety when he’s at war.




Diegetic VS Non-diegetic sound (Film study)

Diegetic and non-diegetic sound is all about whether sounds from video or film are heard by the audience only or characters and audience at the same time. Film music sounds are sounds that characters are not able to hear, the reason being is because film music is just an effect to enhance some kind of mood for the audience. This is non-diegetic sound. Therefore, diegetic sounds are sounds characters can hear. For example, sounds from a nearby construction site that exists in the film, or a radio playing music. The movie scene below taken directly from Tom Hanks’ Forrest Gump is an example of both diegetic and non-diegetic sound.

All sounds that exist within the film such as Jenny’s scream, the rattling bikes, the dramatized sounds of Forrest’s leggings breaking are all diegetic sounds since the film’s characters can hear them. Though Forrest’s narration over his child self and film music are all non-diegetic sound, something only the audience hears.

ESOL Reflection 2023 JUNE 8

In class we had to write about everyday topics, it could be whatever we thought of like something that happened on our weekend, though I chose to skip the practice topics and do my story writing. While I wrote, I was supposed to use RID which is a process used to fix and improve a whole piece of writing by replacing words, inserting words, and deleting words. I’ve learnt how to make a better piece of writing by using RID. It has helped me analyse my writing more carefully and more efficiently. I think from now on I will apply RID to all that I write, simply because it’s able to give me more insight into my writing

The Carabao (Kalabaw)

These are my drawings of the Carabao. (Kalabaw) Carabao, considered to be The Philippine’s national animal, is a humble animal that symbolizes hard work. Also called the ‘beast of burden,’ the carabao is most often found in cool places where carabao prefer to live.

I tried to make patterns with this animal in mind, but ran out of ideas mid-way through as my drawings got more and more astray from what I wanted to draw. Though, I still made some great drawings.

Drawing with grids – 1.2

I drew Gustav Klimt using a grid, but I lack tone, form, detail, perspective and proportion. Nonetheless, I thought this was good practice.
(Sorry for the bad quality)



I drew on a A3 paper, while I had a picture of Gustav Klimt on a A4. It was difficult to fit the entire picture of him sitting into a grid but I was able to just take a little bit of Klimt’s picture and draw that instead. Next time, I’m thinking of starting small and easy for my next grid drawings because drawing on such a large piece of paper was very difficult for me. If I had finished the drawing, I would’ve shaded the background lighter than Gustav’s clothes to make him the focus of the portrait picture.